Friday, November 26, 2010

Digital Playground Straming Free

Wikileaks with new documents

The only true journalists of our time, the guys at Wikileaks have announced their latest leak. These are highly sensitive documents from the U.S. State Department. The documents include very sensitive content, such as the documentation of support for the PKK by the U.S. government or the aid of Turkey in the Iraqi resistance.
U.S. ambassadors around the world are in panic and look for the respective governments to warn about the impending embarrassment. They exert enormous pressure on governments and demand that the publication should be banned because it "had to protect human life." We remember Iraq and Afghanistan and understand only too well how to protect the U.S. human lives.
Keep your eyes open in any case, since it should already be in the next few days so far. Wikileaks has all their documents in a 1.4 GB encrypted file already distributed as a torrent, as a hedge if Wikileaks "switched off" is. Encryption is not to break with current resources and should be a Wikileaks shutdown occur, only the code to decrypt the file to be distributed - An ideal pressure!
The raw material is already "The Guardian", "Der Spiegel" and "Le Monde" in front, waiting for publication.

The current leak is probably very serious cuts in the policy and in particular to have the reputation of the United States. On the website Wikileaks states:

. "The coming months will see a new world, where global history is redefined Keep us strong"

Update 28/11/10 18:00 The site http://wikileaks. org just a large DDoS attack is exposed. The comment by Wikileaks on Facebook: "It Pais, Le Monde, mirror, NYT & Guardian is in possession of the documents and will publish tonight, even if Wikileaks off! "


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