One of the beautiful childhood memories of my grandmother is the legendary potato salad.
As a little girl I was sitting in the kitchen. Next to the oven that was still fired with wood. And the huge kitchen buffet with many contactors, in which flour, sugar was and all that needed the Swabian housewife to cook. And next to my Grandma Marie was preparing the delicious potato salad too.
The main ingredient is clearly waxy potatoes. The previously self-grown and stored in the deep cellar. Today, I can recommend this Siglinde potatoes - which ensure that the salad is not guaranteed is muddy.
For 4 people, I suppose 1 kg firm potatoes . After cooking, they are cooled slightly and then peeled while still warm.
Important - rädeln the potatoes with the potato to keep them thin. There is nothing worse as a giant potato chunks in a salad. Boil
In the meantime, 400 ml beef stock . To give 1 small finely chopped onion , 4 tablespoons white wine vinegar and simmer briefly.
I am the lover of potato-layer technique.
Means: I Rädle a layer of potatoes - come out a few spoonfuls of beef stock, vinegar, broth, spices ( salt, pepper, marjoram - very important: nutmeg, 1 pinch of sugar ).
Continue the layers until the broth is consumed. I imagine that the potatoes absorb the faster the brew. It is normal that the salad is something still liquid. Until he really good, so schlonzig is, he must take some hours. I also enjoyed him the next day!
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