Sunday, August 22, 2010

Evolt-500 Telescope Adapter

U.S. arms sales revealed to the PKK

For years, there is an open secret: The U.S. and other "allies" of Turkey deliver weapons to the PKK. Of course they do not under his own name, but send whatever NGOs (non-governmental organizations) before. NGOs are useful because in case of discovery of the dirty deals that the state show the entire blame on his own and can give the NGO in the shoes. Add to that a mandatory penalty, which passes through channels anyway back to the arms dealer, and everything is fine.

So it was with the now infamous Meuchelmördertruppe of Blackwater, which, as we know, working shoulder to shoulder with the U.S. military and does their dirty work. This gang smuggled via illegal channels, many weapons in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Many of the "opposition party" have been "supported".
was now condemned the Black Water to a ridiculous payment of 42 million USD. The weapons are, among other things in containers that are declared as dog food passed through dark channels to the target person. After two company employees were indicted, and finally came the confession, which is absolutely not a surprise to many.

It confirmed, however, quite clearly, what many people claimed unproven. Some time ago, they found U.S. assault rifles in the hands of the Kurds in northern Iraq. From there they were smuggled into Turkey and further on there was one with just these weapons Turkish police and army posts.

addition to the Charges of mass murder of civilians and the corruption of high office in the Iraqi state apparatus, this is a small file for imposing a "civilian" company.


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