Result of the investigation Mavi Marmara
"The ordered by Israel Examination Board has come after months of careful work to a conclusion. The result is that the Israeli commandos have acted wrongly and in the death of 9 Turkish peace activists responsible. Are particularly targeted shots in the head and heart at close with international law not incompatible. Turkey could send under international law and its own warships to protect the defenders, since this attack took place not in Israeli territorial waters, but in international waters. admit Therefore, Israel must, that they have acted wrongly. In addition, Israel must the survivors compensation pay millions of dollars and the soldiers who shot at close range, will need to answer before the International Court of Justice - because only this corresponds to international law and is the only logical conclusion. As the action was ordered by paramount, Netanyahu will send most likely a letter of apology to Turkey and withdraw from his position. "
Stop. Do you think this seriously, then gets up, looks straight up and run until it against a For wall rebounds otherwise have earned it, if you think that international law, Israel would itch even remotely
the contrary.. "The operation is Comply with international law is "it. Of course! How come not? Because Israel is indeed the only country in the world who can simply ignore all resolutions and otherwise afford everything. The media are withdrawing all very good with .. The
result of this investigation is a slap in the face for every reasonably capable lawyers, the idea of international law, in particular, has the law of the sea. On the high seas must the crew do a ship EVERYTHING a forcible boarding of their vessels to obstruct. On the high seas has no right to enter the ship of another without their consent. Whoever does this has an act of piracy.
But we do not live a long time in a fair world where Law is followed. Therefore, this decision is no surprise.
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